Newsletter launch

February 21, 2023 Off By Judi Daykin

Would any readers be interested in an email newsletter from DS Sara Hirst and me?

The newsletter will come out three times a year, containing news, character information and a short photo-essay about my work or the settings for my novels. Updates and information about the world of DS Sara Hirst will wing their way to you at the end of March, July and November.

To get the ball rolling, here’s an offer to do with An Artful Murder. Sara’s fourth outing revolves around the Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts and the Art History department at the University of East Anglia. If you subscribe to my newsletter between now and the 21st of March, you will go into a draw for the prize shown below, which contains:

Signed copy of An Artful Murder

Copy of Masterpieces of the Sainsbury Centre

2 art postcards, one references a painting in the novel and the other the solution to an art easter egg hidden in the names of the characters of book four (hint: as you can see from the bag, the painting is in the Tate Gallery)

The winner will be announced after the closing date. The writing demon in the picture is called Doh-gorrel and is essential to my writing practice!

I’ll tell you more about my love of art history and Sara’s character in the first newsletter.

If you would like to subscribe, please direct message me on Facebook with your email. Alternatively, you can use the contact form here. Once I have mastered the art of Mailchimp, I will transfer the details to that system. In the meantime, your details will be kept protected and never shared with any third party.